Just like everything important you work at, either your nine-to-five jobs, sports, parenting, relationships, or caring for your garden and your home, you’re going to have good writing days and bad writing days. This article will help you deal with the bad days each writer faces sooner or later. Writer’s block is when your creative writing is not flowing.
Some days there will be so many ideas bubbling in your brain that it will be all you can do to make it to your writing time and get them down on paper. The words will pour out like French champagne into crystal glass. You are smiling and enjoying what you are writing.
On other days, it won’t be as easy. Still, the energy is there, and though you sigh a bit and pace a bit, the words come. You get something good down, or maybe you spend time revising and are pleased with the pages you put a shine on. You’re productive and you’re satisfied.
But sooner or later a day arrives when nothing comes, and you find yourself sitting there staring at your fingers or pen or computer, wondering what you’ve done wrong or thinking what you should do next. The blank computer screen waits expectantly, but you have nothing to tell it. Not a word. Or a horrible word that you immediately erase.
It’s writer’s block, and it’s got you in its grasp. It can last a short time or be ceaseless; some writers never recover from it, and give up and find a new activity. But that’s not going to happen to you. Almost all authors have at some time gone through a period of being blocked, and most have found techniques that let them break through the barrier.
Lastly, be patient. If one of these techniques doesn’t work, give yourself a break and then try something different. If you get a few sentences down and then have more trouble, don’t force yourself to keep going, just try again tomorrow. It may take a little while, but keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to writing, and you will.
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